How Your Porter Care Guide Can Transform Your Life

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In a world filled with uncertainty and unforeseen challenges, the presence of a trusted guide can be a game-changer. Porter Care Guide’s success stories highlight the profound impact we can have on your life.

Economic Stability:

One of our members faced a daunting bill and the threat of service disconnection. Our Care Guide swiftly connected them with an energy bill forgiveness program worker. Furthermore, they facilitated enrollment in the Medical Rate Reduction Program after discovering electric medical equipment in the member’s home.

Food Security:

Another member was unable to cook meals due to pain and uncertainty about their flex card usage. Our Care Guide stepped in, signing them up for a meal delivery service, activating their flex benefit, and assisting in qualifying them for utility and grocery assistance.

Home Healthcare Assistance:

A member required home healthcare and had an outstanding order for two weeks with no response. Our Care Guide found an alternative provider promptly and facilitated the order through the PCP.

Access to Needed Supplies and DME:

A member’s portable oxygen option was too large, increasing their risk of falling. Our Care Guide swiftly arranged for a smaller portable oxygen concentrator, ensuring the member received it within a day.

Appointment Scheduling:

Our Care Guide located an in-network eye doctor for a member who had struggled to find one after their previous provider went out of business. The member had endured a waiting period with another provider, but Porter’s Care Guide identified a suitable one in their area that accepted new patients.


A member from India with limited English proficiency and communication difficulties was experiencing depression due to barriers to care and care gaps. Our Care Guide provided active listening and addressed their concerns effectively.

These success stories demonstrate the life-changing impact a Porter Care Guide can have on individuals facing various challenges. If you or someone you know could benefit from this level of assistance, reach out to your Porter Care Guide.

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